If you're new to Teams, the best way to get familiar with it is to start using it right away. Learn about the benefits of installing the desktop, web, and mobile clients

Check out Teams plans and Microsoft Teams service description.

If you have a medium or large organization, use Advisor for Teams to help you roll out Microsoft Teams to help you plan the rollout of these workloads across your organization. Here are the Teams workloads, in the order we recommend rolling them out: Some organizations may want to roll out all Teams features at once, while others may prefer a phased approach. You don't have to wait until you've completed one step before you move to the next. We recommend rolling out Teams in stages, workload by workload, as your organization is ready. Later, use the guidance on the Microsoft Teams Adoption site to help you roll out Teams across your organization. If you're a larger organization, use these articles to pilot Teams with a small group of early adopters so you can learn about Teams and start planning your org-wide deployment. These articles will guide you through a small-scale Teams rollout, which may be all you need if you're a small business or if you're rolling out Teams quickly as your first Microsoft 365 workload to support remote workers. Whether you're a small business or a multi-national, this is the place to start rolling out Teams.

Are you looking for information on how to install the Teams client on your PC or mobile device? Go here: Download Microsoft Teams.